Washroom laundry service


Washroom laundry service

We offer a laundry room laundry service: Effective cleaning products Washroom cleaning and maintenance is carried out with an acidic cleaner that quickly and effectively removes grease, wax residues, rust stains and limescale.
To combat this dirt, we offer special washroom and tile cleaners suitable for both deep and maintenance cleaning.
When using acidic cleaners, cracks and joints filled with cement must be pre-wetted with water.
In washrooms with concrete floors or walls, alkaline cleaners should be used, as they are less aggressive to the material.
The following motto applies: it is better to clean regularly than to use acidic cleaners.
When using high-pressure cleaners, the temperature and dosage are adjusted according to the degree of dirt and then the floor and walls are moistened.
After a short exposure period, depending on the degree of contamination, the surfaces are rinsed with clean water under high pressure.
Care must be taken to ensure that the cleaning concentrate does not dry out, otherwise staining may occur.
It is therefore advisable to clean the washroom step by step.
When choosing a cleaning agent, owners/operators should ensure that it is suitable for all surfaces and materials installed in the vehicle wash system.
From an environmental point of view, it is important to use washroom cleaners that are biodegradable, NTA-free and easily separable, i.e. oil and water can be quickly separated in the oil separator.

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